How can the creative industries become more cooperative with countries abroad?
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) / German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)Project period
January 2014 — November 2015Services
Industry analysis, Policy ReportWorking method
Case Studies, Mapping, InterviewsProduct
Policy ReportOur expertise
Industry analysis, Global MappingPartner
Market research study for creative companies abroad
Multiplicities analyses market potentials for the internationalisation of the German creative industries for the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) / German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). The market exploration study shows how the cultural and creative industries are a potential field of action that can be addressed to improve the international marketability of market participants operating in Germany. It develops proposals on how co-operation with creative players in developing countries and emerging economies can be supported. Case analyses were carried out in three regions (Chiang Mai, Thailand; Rwanda and sub-regions of North Africa). The study also identifies potential from the cultural and creative industries (individual entrepreneurs, networks and companies) – with a view to the three submarkets of the music industry, design industry and software/games industries – in order to inform further DC/IC projects on this basis.
Project components

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