How do SMEs cooperate with the HTW University of Applied Sciences in Berlin?
Hochschule Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin, finanziert durch die IHK BerlinProject period
January 2014 — December 2018Services
Conception, moderation, project managementWorking method
Conception, moderation, project managementProduct
Innovation workshopOur expertise
Conception, facilitation, consultingPartner
Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW) and IHK BerlinLink
Publication Lange (2018)
Location development through knowledge transfer
Students at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW) work in teams to solve problems posed by regional companies.
In 2014, Multiplicities carried out an initial prototype “Innovation Workshop” on behalf of HTW Berlin and Wista Management GmbH.
It was framed by the seminar and project week offerings of the HTW degree programmes. The questions were concrete, practical tasks provided by local companies from the HTW’s neighbourhood.
The innovation workshop lasted one week, with the question and company contact being developed three to six months in advance by Multiplicities. Multiplicities has been supporting this format at the Schöneweide site since 2015.
Project components

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