What characterises the Guidelines for Baukultur in Germany?


BBSR (Bonn)

Project period

October 2022 — December 2024


Building culture guidelines ("Baukulturelle Leitlinien")

Working method

Analysis, text creation, process design


Report and participation

Our expertise

Spatial development, Policy Design


Inpolis Urbanism GmbH, Studio Qrfld, Anneke von Holst, Simon Wöhr



Baukulturelle Leitlinien
Veranstaltung baukulturelle Leitlinien des Bundes, Haus der Statistik
Event on the federal building culture guidelines, Haus der Statistik

Guidelines for building culture in Germany

The aim of this project is to draw up “Guidelines for Baukultur in Germany”: as a key document, it will formulate the federal government’s position on Baukultur.

The guidelines aim to describe objectives, fields of action and requirements as well as specific tasks in the area of Baukultur in Germany.

The “Guidelines for Baukultur in Germany” are intended as an orientation aid to support federal states and local authorities in developing their own Baukultur policies and implementing them.

The content of this study is the development of the guidelines as well as the comprehensive organisation, monitoring and implementation of this process.

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