Our internationally recognised expertise allows us to put together hand-in-glove studies and assessments. Based on many years of experience, we issue location studies, sector profiles as well as forecasts of future effects on a certain milieu or community.
These lead to processes of network formation, but also analysis of the potential of market segments and spatial economic entities. Using extensively proven innovative and empirical methods, we generate detailed and exact results: reliable, precise and transparent.
These lead to processes of network formation, but also analysis of the potential of market segments and spatial economic entities. Using extensively proven innovative and empirical methods, we generate detailed and exact results: reliable, precise and transparent.
- Market potential analysis
- Feasibility Studies
- Trend scenarios
- Quantitative and qualitative empirical surveys
Target Groups
- Economic and regional development
- Entreprises and Start-ups
- Ministries
- Research bodies, Universities, and Applied Universities
- European Commission (INTERREG EUROPE)
Reports and publications
- Lange, Bastian (2016): Kreativwirtschaft international: Schnittmengen zur Auswärtigen Kulturpolitik. ifa-Edition Kultur und Außenpolitik, Stuttgart. Visit Website
- Buwog Meermann GmbH (2014): Perspektiven auf neue innerstädtische Potentiale und Ressourcen. Entwicklungsdynamiken kreativer Nutzungen im Brunnenviertel. Auftragsstudie von Belius GmbH und Multiplicities/Dr. Bastian Lange. Berlin
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Our Services
Creative Labs, Policy Clinics, and Participatory Processes
Photo: Thomas RitterCreative Labs, Policy Clinics, and Participatory Processes
Urban Mapping and Regional Management
Urban Mapping and Regional Management
Impulses, Facilitation and Keynote Presentations
Photo: Thomas RitterImpulses, Facilitation and Keynote Presentations
Expertise, Analysis and Evaluation
Photo: Bastian LangeExpertise, Analysis and Evaluation