What can innovation workshops do to strengthen the surrounding area in metropolitan regions?
Ministry for Economy and Energy of the State of Brandenburg, funded by the State of BrandenburgProject period
January 2015 — September 2016Services
Innovation workshops with SMEsWorking method
Facilitation, conception, cross-innovationProduct
Collaboration between the cultural and creative industries and SMEsOur expertise
Industry development, regional developmentPartner
Ministry of Economy, Brandenburg / Inpolis Urbanism GmbHLink
Report Publication
New growth centres in the environs of metropolitan regions
Multiplicities organises innovation workshops in Oranienburg. New drivers of growth centres – such as the creative location Oranienwerk – are often not yet well connected with regional SMEs and vice versa. Multiplicities and Inpolis Urbanism GmbH use “open” and “cross” innovation processes to generate new innovations. This requires spatial interfaces that enable the interaction of different players. Access to procedural knowledge, materials and process knowledge in connection with concrete problems relevant to everyday life represent a mixed situation from which new ideas emerge.
New coordination and cooperation mechanisms are crystallising, particularly in so-called open source projects. This is manifested in the growing importance of coworking spaces worldwide. The “InnovationsWerkstatt Oranienburg” programme aims to develop contemporary, practical cooperation and transfer formats at the location. Participants from the region achieve better networking with other areas of the regional economy. The format helps to raise the profile of the creative industries in the region.
Project components

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