What are innovative approaches for care and nursing work in East Brandenburg?


BMBF project with the Humboldt University of Berlin (Prof. H. Nuissl)

Project period

December 2022 — December 2025


Transfer workshop

Working method

Co-creative process design


Governance and care arrangements

Our expertise

Transfer design, science communication



Working Paper (No. 211)
Care and caring work
Care and caring work

Care and caring work in East Brandenburg

The InCAREgio project (INnovative Arrangements for Care in the “CAre and Care Sector in Structurally Weak REGIOns”) aims to work with municipal and local practice partners in the Märkisch-Oderland region to determine the prerequisites and conditions for innovative coping strategies for the care crisis.

In addition, it aims to work out in an action-oriented manner how innovative forms of support and management can be designed and how local multi-actor networks can be consolidated in order to ensure long-term positive effects for the region.

Project components

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