How does the University of Birmingham cooperate with regional SMEs?


Birmingham City University

Project period

2015 — 2016


Location analysis

Working method

Interviews, Round Tables, Mapping


Strategy paper

Our expertise

Urban analysis, Strategy consulting


Birmingham City University



Bastian Lange

Location analysis Digbeth (UK)

Multiplicities analyses the economic and socio-cultural environment in Digbeth (Birmingham) with the aim of developing a creative hub. The integration of a location into the surrounding neighbourhood often presents planners with major challenges, especially when the districts in question are developing at a rapid pace.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the economic ecosystem of the Digbeth neighbourhood and what role does the university play in it and how can relationships be improved so that both the neighbourhood and the university benefit?

The study draws on extensive qualitative and quantitative data by interviewing local businesses, self-employed people and business associations and analysing economic data, urban planning documents and local narratives. Taking into account current developments in the local economy and urban development goals, strengths and weaknesses of the economic ecosystem can be localised.

Project components

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